Beyond Quantum Healing
Beyond Quantum Healing is a technique used for consciousness exploration for self-healing and spiritual growth done through a deep meditative state of hypnosis while focusing on intention, energy, intuition and heart connection.
As a BQH Practitioner, I will facilitate your journey by allowing your soul to lead the way, resulting in a new awareness of your inner world, your life’s mission and to allow any healing to unfold as it is meant to.
Beyond Quantum Healing is a revolutionary approach to healing that offers lasting impact by helping open up pathways to a healthier, happier future.
BQH can assist with:
Exploring past lives, future lives or alternate realities
Connect with your higher self or your guidance team to understand your soul’s purpose.
Receive answers to questions you’ve always wondered about
Gain a deeper understanding of your life’s influential events
Heal emotional wounds or past life trauma’s that are holding you back in this lifetime
Obtain clarity on timeline shifts/missing time, visions or any other unexplained phenomena.
Energetic or chakra cleansing